Suck it Up and Ask For Help

My supervisor, who had worked at the company for nearly ten years, was surprised at the pace I worked, happy to keep piling on small projects. But, I felt like I was ready for a bigger challenge. I wanted to do more than just day-long projects. I wanted to feel more useful.

Ask Three, Then Me Part II: When You Can’t Find Effective Solutions on Your Own

What happens when you’ve looked into several different sources–you’ve asked three–and none of them seem to have the solutions you’re looking for?

Ask Three, Then Me: Finding Effective Solutions on My Own

I still remember the day that my high school band director marched into class, belly flopping, hair unkempt, eyes determined. He stepped up onto his podium, pointed his baton into the heart of the band, and loudly declared, “we are implementing a new policy, starting today. From now on, if any of you have questions,Continue reading “Ask Three, Then Me: Finding Effective Solutions on My Own”

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